Police Transfer Michael Haasim Hood to Bureau of Customs After Airport Arrest for Bringing in Gold “

Following an arrest at the airport for attempting to bring gold into the Philippines without proper declaration, Michael Haasim Hood has been transferred from police custody to the Philippine Bureau of Customs. The move comes as authorities intensify efforts to crack down on illicit activities related to the smuggling of valuable items into the country. Michael Haasim Hood,an American who flew into Cebu city international Airport, Philippines from Istanbul ,Turkey on the 14th of April,2024 was arrested by the Philippines Police K9 Department.in his possession was found 20 pounds of gold/22.68kg and investigation shows that this items was not declared.

However,Bureau of Custom(BOC) commissioner ,Bienvenido Y. Rubio in his statement has requested that Michael Haasim Hood should be transferred from Police K9 Department to the Custom department for a proper investigation as the commission frowns at non declaration of precious items coming into the country.Michael Haasim Hood have been asked to get a lawyer in his defense as he faces 3 count charges and penalties are :
2.Seizure of items

Michael Haasim Hood remains in custody as authorities continue to probe the circumstances surrounding the attempted smuggling of gold and diamonds into the country. The collaboration between law enforcement agencies and the Bureau of Customs underscores the government’s commitment to safeguarding national security and upholding customs integrity.

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